Speaking & Events
Each of Angie’s topics have been created to accommodate audiences of any size and can be delivered as a keynote or a workshop. Experience the power of collective growth and transformation in a dynamic group setting
Available Topics for your next event:
From Burnout to Balance:
Defying the “burnout culture.”
Professional women have taken themselves from burning bras to burning out by buying into the belief that they are EXPECTED to be able to DO IT ALL - and the scariest truth is that they cannot “bubble bath” their way out of it. But, there ARE actions that can be taken to stop it, NOW!
During this event, women will:
Learn how to identify burnout and depletion
Find their true north- what really matters most
Re-define what true success means to them
I Can't Reach My Zipper:
A Woman’s Guide To True Independence
The idea for this very special topic was born from a personal experience Angie had when she was on the cusp of divorce. You might laugh, maybe even cry, but one promise that Angie makes is that although not everyone will experience the pain of divorce, after hearing this talk, the audience will have a renewed sense of self that will empower them to thrive in every aspect of their life.
Women will walk away with:
A renewed sense of identity and self-worth.
Practical strategies around personal growth
Emotional Insight, clarity and healing
The Energy Lifeboat:
The Power of 4
This much sought after topic is what Angie calls “The Energy Lifeboat.” It provides powerful tools that teach women how to stabilize their energy from all angles while illustrating how to put them into practice immediately.
During this event, the audience will:
Learn to identify mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy
Understand how these energies affect each other
Receive a guide to be used in creating healthy habits for each area
The What-If Shift:
Mastering Your Mindset
We’ve all heard the saying WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS. So even though our brains are naturally hard-wired to focus on the negative to protect us, the truth is, our brains are only part of the challenge---the rest of it is LEARNED behaviors that stem from fear!
This workshop will teach you:
How to find the truth vs the story
Strategies to reprogram your thoughts by controlling your words
How to decrease emotional reactivity that stem from perceived fear
Define Your Worth:
Settle No More!
How we value ourselves is illustrated by those with whom we surround ourselves, how we care for ourselves, and what treatment we tolerate from others. Every time we settle for less than we deserve, we give away our worth.
In this talk, the audience will:
Be introduced to the tools necessary to identify what still “fits”, what doesn’t, and how to “take out the trash” by:
Learning the power of NO
Setting healthy boundaries
Rejecting what does not serve you
Thrive Without Compromise
A professional woman’s mastermind aimed at the C-Suite professional.
Space will be limited to 6 per cohort.
Interested in joining?
Contact Angie to join the waitlist!
Question? Ask Angie!
Grateful Client
I went to Angie’s Seminar for three days, I never turn down a chance to learn something. Well I learned a lot !! After leaving Angie’s class I went back to working but trying to change some of the things I was doing. ON A DAILY BASIS I heard ANGIE’S voice in my head.... Angie has changed my prospective on being a Realtor. I always worked hard but doing the wrong things. I still have a lot to learn from her and can’t wait to do it. I have always door knocked but sporadically and got very little from it because I was NOT CONSISTENT. I can’t thank Angie enough for her gentle way she has of kicking you in the butt and making you go out and make money.